Listen to McNary Music

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

McNayr & Friends.....and other thoughts

During the last 4 months I've started playing alot more with other musicians as I've mentioned in past blogs. It is an inspiring and re-assuring thing to meet other people with similar goals and focus. Together we can work as a team to support each other, work on songs together, and harness our individual contacts into a much larger network.

I've been inspired to put on a show called Mcnary & Friends @ Drunken Unicorn on November 20th, 2009. There is alot of unique musical talent in the world. It's my goal to bring the great musicians who are also stellar human being along with me as I climb the music business ladder of success. This event is one of those steps.
McNary & Friends Description :
McNary, Kenny B, Anne Harper, Prisca, John Henry Velez, & Drew Gleason will be performing together for the first time trading off the stage to entertain the crowd with Daring Duets, Well Loved Covers, and Compelling Original music. This is NOT a Songwriter showcase. This is a dynamic night of musical collaboration between 6 VERY talented musicians.

Get ready to enjoy yourself. Be prepared to be moved.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Working on the album

Been working on background vocals for the song Cosmic this morning. Singing backups for me can be even more enjoyable than singing the lead part. It is the backup vocals that really make certain parts of the song resonate. It's like it takes one other vocal part in the song to really make the lead part shine to its fullest. I could draw parallels between that concept and life and relationships but I'll save that for another day. Today I'll hopefully be working on backups for the songs Basking and Pauperess as well.  I was supposed to be recording my final tune as early as last week but due to my left hand being strained I'll be switchin gears for a few days and  working on backup vocals for all the tunes and getting to work on instrumentation for all the tracks as well.

In other news, I'm gearing up for my show on Friday, October 2nd with Kenny B and the Frizz @ North River Tavern. I'll hopefully have a surprise guest artist playing with me on a song or two. Watch out!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

McNary's Random thoughts on Life and the Musical Journey

McNary's Random Thoughts :

Things are coming together very well for me as a solo artist right now. The friendships and relationships I've nurtured during the last couple of years are proving to be a huge asset to my career as a musician. It seems that when we set goals.....we may not reach them how we originally envisioned, but if we persevere with sincerity and positive intentions, we end up succeeding....Right now it feels like the universe really is conspiring with me...I'm booking shows without much effort, collaborating with other artists, writing new songs regularly, and making valuable new contacts on a daily basis.

Since I was 6 or 7 years old I've felt part of me that wanted so much to express feelings and connect with the world through music...Finally after going through college, living abroad for two years, working, and then giving up on the corporate world, I started pursuing that longing/vision 2 and half years ago. I am so fortunate that I finally gave in to that yearning....It is surreal to be performing original music and to be connecting with people in the crowd that I've never met before...That to me is probably the most wonderful thing about performing/making music. Connecting...Without that connection, it's not worth it. Feeling life's emotions and sharing that very personal yet universal experience with others.

My goal is to begin touring regionally beginning in March '10 and to be touring more extensively by fall of '10. Right now I'm keeping an eye out for musicians that could potentially form a band. I'll keep the same group name, "McNary" but will beef up the experience for the fans by actually fronting a full band. I'm looking for die hard musicians who are ready to tour, collaborate, and share the potentially long/trial strewn journey to musical prominence. I'm looking for people whose number one priority in life is to make music and who are willing to sacrifice to make music their career.