Listen to McNary Music

Saturday, January 23, 2010

a musician's life - get out of your head!!

being a musician is one of the most gratifying experiences that one could convey your emotions and hope that something you sing/play resonates with your audience.....from what I've experienced, the most important thing you can remember as a musician is to get out of your head and play from your heart....this sounds VERY cliche I know.....but people long for the connection with another human being who both plays a well put together piece of music AND, EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT, means it completely....a musician can't "mean" what they are playing when they are connected in large part to their head and not in tune with the part of themselves that "feels"....Tonite I couldn't get out of my head.....I drank before hand etc but I never fully entered into that place of musical abandon....It is that place that musicians long to be...It is a place of COMPLETE feeling and connection with one's self and with the world around them...It is a place of no Ego...It is like everyone there is playing the song and singing the song with you....Perhaps it was because I was playing new songs I'd never played out before or because I was experimenting with a new effects board or maybe because the sound person was new and had no clue about what they were doing......perhaps it was a combination of all of those factors.....all I know is that my goal is to enter every performance with the clearest of make meaningful sounds regardless of who gets the kudos or who is watching...whether I'm playing for an Atlanta bar crowd of 200 or homeless folks off of Ponce after a nite of drinking at the Local........I aim for my intentions to be pure and for my music to be sincere...If that lands me playing homeless under a bridge somewhere or in Phillips Arena so be be it. so be it

1 comment:

  1. I agree Timmy. When I play the violin and I try to think about the solo, it turns into a disaster. When I open up and let the solo flow, I play things I didn't think I knew how to play.
